The AIAA Aviation forum is the world’s premier aviation conference, attracting major players from the world of aviation to come together and discuss the progress being made in a wide range of aerospace industry initiatives. Along with traditional conference talks, there are a series of dedicated workshops run around the conference to discuss some of the difficult technical challenges facing the future of aviation. ITI is attending AIAA this year from 5th to 9th of June and will be participating in workshops, presenting a conference paper, and will be available throughout the conference in the exhibition space where you can meet and discuss your data interoperability issues with our team.
Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop
The first of a new Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop (GMGW) is being run on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of June before the start of the full conference.
The workshop is intended to assess the current state of geometry pre-processing and mesh generation technology and software in an open environment to encourage discussion, collaboration and to identify areas which need future development. Mesh generation is one of the crucial steps necessary for CFD simulation. Successful mesh generation starts with a clean, consistent definition of the geometry, which often requires pre-processing using a tool such as ITI’s CADfix.
Mark Gammon (ITI UK's Technical Director and CADfix Product manager) will be reviewing the high lift CRM geometry in a joint presentation with Nigel Taylor (MBDA) and William T. Jones (NASA), leading sub-topic discussions in the “Challenges in Geometry” and “Surface Meshing” Birds of a Feather sessions and will be presenting our contributions to the workshop in session ID-12 on Saturday 3rd.

Meshed two-layer boundary blocking of the NASA Common Research Model using CADfix’s Medial Object based auto-blocking.
The GMGW is being run in conjunction with the 3rd High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW) with joint opening and closing sessions.
Paper Presentation
During the forum session CFD-10 Meshing II at 11.30 MDT on Tuesday 6th, Henry Bucklow will be presenting a paper titled “An Automated Workflow for High Quality CFD Meshing using the 3D Medial Object”.

The medial object around the NASA Common Research Model
The CADfix team have been developing a novel automated meshing workflow using the Medial Object to partition the domain around an aerodynamic shape, and guide mesh generation within these partitions, to provide improvements to meshes assessed by some of our industrial partners. Henry’s presentation will explain the workflow and how these new meshes differ from traditional offerings. This new approach is the continuation of research work undertaken by ITI over several years, with support from Innovate UK projects and leading European aerospace manufacturers, and has shown great potential and continues to be under active development within ITI.
Conference Exhibition
As well as the GMGW and presenting a paper, ITI will be present in the exhibition space on booth #312 with our team of data migration and data translation experts on hand to answer your queries about any of our data interoperability products and services. We look forward to seeing you there.
Further information about the value and success of ITI’s solutions in the aerospace industry can be found on our web site in the downloadable Aerospace Overview Datasheet.