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Original air date: 03-18-2015
Runtime: 00:29:34
Webinar: Planning for a successful PLM migration
It is not feasible to imagine implementing a PLM system without first migrating some amount of legacy data. However, PLM data migration projects are notorious for over-running schedule, exceeding budget, and falling short on quality results. This critically impacts your overall PLM implementation program.
Planning for a successful PLM data migration project should be a prerequisite to planning for a successful PLM implementation project. Unfortunately, this is oftentimes considered a secondary work-stream.
This 30 minute webinar will explore 10 success factors in planning and implementing a successful PLM data migration project, such as:
• How should I partition and sequence the data for migration?
• How much historical data should I migrate?
• How much downtime can my business tolerate in order to execute the migration?
• How should I evaluate potential data migration partners?