CADfix Geometry Morphing

CADfix can accurately morph or deform an original CAD model geometry to match displacements results from CAE. The CADfix morphing process generates smooth, well-defined and accurate model geometry that can be exported back to CAD as a usable model, or to CAE for re-meshing and further analysis.

Most CAE analysis applications can generate a displaced mesh that represents the deformed shape of a component under operating conditions. Multi-disciplinary analysis and automatic shape optimization are two important scenarios where the deformed mesh from one analysis needs to be used as the basis for a second dependent CAE analysis. Converting deformed mesh to accurate deformed CAD geometry may also be required for further design or analysis work and ultimately manufacturing.


CADfix accurately morphs an original CAD model to match CAE displacement

A common approach for deriving CAD models of deformed component shapes is to reverse engineer a new geometric model from the displaced analysis mesh. This typically involves approximate curve and surface fitting algorithms to match selected regions of the deformed mesh. This approach frequently suffers from issues of accuracy and surface irregularities and often results in geometry models with insufficient quality for use in CAD systems or that are unsuitable for CAE re-meshing.


CADfix can morph the original CAD geometry to match the displaced analysis mesh with a more effective and accurate approach. By using the original CAD curve and surface definitions as the basis for the deformed geometry, CADfix is able to ensure better accuracy, smoothness, and continuity of the resulting geometry.

The advanced CADfix geometry morphing process supports the import of deformation data from various sources and results in the export of a high quality morphed version of the original CAD model geometry.


Accurate CADfix morphing of complex mechanical structures


CADfix morphing used to create multiple CAD model variants

Integrate your CAD and CAE processes


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